A luxury Baltimore residence faced constant overflow issues with their sewage pump. The Overwatch® Direct In-Line Pumping system prevented future inconveniences.



A luxurious harbor-side residence in Baltimore, MD, faced persistent and severe issues with its sewage system, exacerbated by the building’s location and high-water table.

The existing pump systems were installed in the parking garage due to the high-water table and were prone to frequent ragging and clogging. They also generated significant noise and unpleasant odors.

Eleven lift stations, each equipped with retention tanks, often failed to manage the volume of sewage effectively. These tanks would overflow, causing raw sewage to spill into the parking garage where residents parked. The cleanup process was both difficult and costly due to the garage’s ceiling height, door size, and ramp access. The need for extensive sanitation and repainting after each overflow event added to the financial burden and operational disruption.

The frequent issues caused significant dissatisfaction among residents. The hazardous spills, offensive odors, and disrupted access led to a decline in their quality of living. The building owners needed a solution to address these persistent problems and improve the safety, hygiene, and satisfaction of the residents.


The OverWatch® Direct In-Line Pumping System was implemented to address the severe sewage management issues.

By eliminating the wet well, OverWatch® simplified the pumping process. The system directly lifts effluent from the inlet, bypassing the need for a retention tank, which prevents issues associated with wet wells, such as clogging and overflow. OverWatch® continuously pumps incoming sewage, preventing materials from solidifying and forming clogs, ensuring uninterrupted operations and eliminating the risk of overflow.

The OverWatch® system operates more quietly than traditional pumps, reducing noise levels. Additionally, its design minimizes odors, addressing one of the major complaints and greatly enhancing the overall living environment. The compact size of the system allows for better utilization of space and provides easier access for maintenance and operations.

By installing the OverWatch® Direct In-Line Pumping System, the building effectively resolved its sewage management issues, reduced maintenance needs, and enhanced resident satisfaction. Impressed by the success, the owners replaced all eleven, existing stations with OverWatch®.

Costs Eliminated per Year: $47,100

o Emergency Pump Truck – $13,500
o Clog Removal, Restoration & Sanitation – $33,600